DailyMail Module



2nd May 2006:


v1.01 - Formal Release

This version is a formal release of the v0.38.8 release, with a few extras and recent bug fixes inspired from the TiVo community forums (up to 2nd May '06). Unfortunately the data sheet is not 100% complete yet, so please bear with me whist this is finished. Thanks for all those that have contributed to testing and to documentation generation - really appreciated. Please report bugs and issues on the TiVo community forum when you bump into them. See the "DailyMail Jazz Install Instructions v1.01 02May06 - In Progress.doc" file in the download zip file for installation instructions etc. Apologies for the huge delay in updating this web site.


You may download it from here:



v1.0 - First Formal Release

The Sep / Oct '06 version - you may download it from here:


v0.38.8 - Testing Release

This version has been released for testing purposes - only those with a great deal of patience and a strong stomach need apply!. Please report bugs and issues on the TiVo community forum when you bump into them. This release is only for the bold and the experienced, so if you are a new user please install a proven and stable previous version - once tested I will fully document this module and release formally. The zip file contains a high level datasheet.


You may download it from here:



Here are the new features:


Basic Instructions:

Replace your current files with the replacement files provided. Add new files where provided:



It is envisaged that the main dailymail files will be deposited in a /var/hack/dailymail directory. This is a change from previous versions. It is also essential that the dailymail_jazz.tcl module is never called directly, that is it called via the dailymail_jazz shell script file. To run from the command line type:


/var/hack/dailymail/dailymail_jazz [enter]


An example cron line entry may be:


45 5 * * 0-6  /var/hack/dailymail/dailymail_jazz.sh &


Which will run dailymail_jazz at 4.45am every day. If you try to call the dailymail_jazz.tcl file directly it will not execute.


If you are going to use the embedded image functionality please ensure you have created a “base64images” directory (mkdir base64images) in the dailymail directory, and place all the .txt files in it. You must consider the following variables in order to use this functionality:



Please note that the view html page functionality does not display images if you use the embedded functionality.


You should copy the ip utilities file to the /var/hack/dailymail directory.


Non Customizable Updates:


Customizable Options:


Take a look here to see an example of what a generated email looks like. Please note that I may using the embedded image functionality, in which case the images will not show in the browser generated version.


Here are some screen shots of the TiVoWeb module for handling multiple deletes and thumb changes I have created:


Proposed deletion of items:


Proposed update of thumbs for various items:


Actioned update of thumbs for various items:




Small updates have been made to the baselined v0.36 beta version to create a v0.37 beta version - released 25th Feb 05. You may download it from here:



Key changes include:




v0.35.6 & v0.36

There are two previous versions available. The most recent previous version available under my change control was 0.35.6 beta. You may download it from here:



There was also an updated version of this, built on v0.35.6,  created by Kevin Autrey (kautrey on tivocommunity) and was labelled v0.36 beta. You may also download it from here:



The current discussion can be found on www.tivocommunity.com here.  If you have any ideas for new functionality then please share them through the www.tivocommunity.com site.



You may also get an idea of the type of email that gets generated by this module by looking at the current daily email generated by my TiVo here.





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